ERS er det største videnskabelige og kliniske selskab for respiratoriske sygdomme i Europa, og vi er glade for at kunne dele nogle højdepunkter!
Resuméer fra ERS 7.-11. september 2024
Der kommer mere og mere tilgængelig viden inden for astma og KOL, og medarbejdere fra den medicinske afdeling hos Chiesi følger med i den årlige europæiske lungekongres ERS, som i år afholdes i Wien. I år er kunstig intelligens et gennemgående tema på kongressen: Mennesker og maskiner: Find den rette balance. Der er ingen tvivl om, at AI kan bruges til at analysere enorme mængder data uden at tage så meget som en kaffepause, men at bruge AI til at træffe kliniske beslutninger fører også til spørgsmål om etik og ansvarlighed. Hvem eller hvad kan du stole på?
Interview: Cæcilie Bang
Nyt på siden
Inflammation, astma og rygning
Højdepunkter fra ERS kongressen
Hvordan lyder det i en kongressal, når titusinder af lungeinteresserede samles? Hør her!
What is Pulmonary Rehabilitation?
The human body is built for movement, and for people living with COPD, it is particularly important to keep moving, here’s why. ... Läs mer
Inhaler Technique – Tricky to Master
Correct inhaler technique is tricky but crucial for treatment of asthma and COPD, as you ensure optimal delivery and deposition of the medication when mastering the device used. ... Läs mer
Let the music play – music therapy as an adjunct to clinical care
Music therapy options, including music listening and singing may address breathlessness, anxiety and depression to boost psychological well-being and motivation to exercise in people with chronic respiratory disease. ... Läs mer
A whole session on research from a primary care perspective!
Ever wondered about treatable traits of obstructive lung diseases in primary care, the importance of social support for persons living with COPD, or blood eosinophil levels in the general population? ... Läs mer
Smoking in patients with obstructive airway diseases: a challenge beyond chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
The session focused on the challenges of adolescent smoking, its harmful effects on asthma and COPD patients, and the reduced effectiveness of treatments in smokers. It highlighted that continued smoking accelerates disease progression, while quitting improves symptoms and treatment outcomes. The key message was the critical need for smoking cessation to promote better long-term health. ... Läs mer
Post-prematurity lung disease: from birth to adulthood
Globally, almost 1 in 10 births are preterm, resulting in 13-15 million preterm babies annually (1). Thankfully, the survival rates have increased dramatically in the last decades. ... Läs mer
Latest insights on COPD and cardiovascular disease
On a scorching hot morning in Vienna, the Sunday session of ERS kick-started with a highly interesting discussion covering cardiovascular disease (CVD) in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). ... Läs mer
Towards health equity in 2050
The world health organization WHO Europe is working together with the European Respiratory Society on a joint report on Chronic Respiratory Disease, focusing on health equity. On behalf of WHO Europe, Galea Gauden gave some highligts from the coming report. ... Läs mer
Mild to moderate asthma – mechanisms and phenotyping
Lungefunktionen hos personer med astma kan ændre sig over tid og fra individ til individ. Lungefunktionen kan således variere fra normal til alvorligt nedsat. Nogle faktorer kan omgående afhjælpes med bronkodilatatorer, mens andre kræver længerevarende anti-inflammatorisk behandling. Nogle manifestationer er dog mere eller mindre uoprettelige. At være opmærksom på og handle på underliggende inflammation og hypersekretion er essentielt for at forebygge forværringer og sygdomsprogression. ... Läs mer
Digital biomarkers in asthma management
Til trods for den hurtige digitalisering af verden er brugen af digitale biomarkører i astmahåndtering underudnyttet. Kropsbåren teknologi som fitnessarmbånd og smartwatches giver mulighed for at frembringe individualiserede data af høj kvalitet. Spørgsmålet er: Er digitale biomarkører klar til at revolutionere astmahåndtering? ... Läs mer
Understanding risk factors of COPD
Forståelsen af de risikofaktorer, der er forbundet med KOL, er avanceret i løbet af de sidste to-tre årtier. Kan KOL stadig betragtes som en rygersygdom? Eller er der andre brande at slukke? ... Läs mer
Biologics in COPD – are we there?
Til trods for implementeringen af optimeret trippelterapi viser data, at patienter med KOL fortsat oplever exacerbationer. Dette understreger nødvendigheden af yderligere innovative tilgange til behandling. Følgende er et koncist overblik over nyere evidens i udviklingen af biologiske lægemidler til behandling af KOL. ... Läs mer
Digitalisation in health care
Mens pandemien lærte os, at der findes alternativer til den traditionelle tid hos lægen, er evidensgrundlaget for effekten af telemedicin inden for KOL stadig lille. Denne artikel opsummerer lovende resultater, fremhæver relevante områder inden for telemedicin og identificerer behovet for mere data. ... Läs mer
GOLD guideline evolution: BC is out and Exacerbation prone is in
Reference to presentation: Current challenges in airways disease management – Evolution in GOLD: we cannot ‘see’ ‘C’ anymore and LABA/ICS are gone. Helpful or a hindrance? Speaker: Antonio Anzueto, USA ... Läs mer
Burden of tobacco farming and use of electronic nicotine delivery system on the environment and occupational health
SUMMARY: In addition to harmful effects of smoking cigarettes, there are environmental concerns about the complete product life cycle that the tobacco industry is working intensively to downplay. Meanwhile, the ... Läs mer
Longitudinal cohorts in airway disease
Due to the nature of longitudinal studies, the data and learnings obtained are as plenty as they are important and relevant. This became very clear when attending the session covering ... Läs mer
A systematic review of methods of scoring inhaler technique
Inhalation devices: Could we grade individual technique? SUMMARY: A systematic review took a look at how inhalation technique has been assessed in research, finding no standardized method to assess, and ... Läs mer
Pulmonary rehabilitation in severe and very severe COPD.
Targeting treatable traits in severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a nonpharmacological approach SUMMARY: Pulmonary rehabilitation should be tailor made to improve physical and mental conditions to cope with COPD. It ... Läs mer
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ERS 2024